Monday, November 19, 2012

Ever So Thankful

We are regularly thankful for the "easy" things (the in-the-moment items), we can be reminded to be thankful for the "forgotten" things (things we take for granted)... but how many can say that you've expressed your thanks to God and to others in your life for the silver linings... the blessings that come from "pain"? Praise God through the pain, through the trial, through the fire.

Our pastor gave us homework to do this week: list the easy & the forgotten stuff, look for the thankful moments in the painful circumstances... and then ACT on them. Say thanks to those that have been a part of your reasons for being grateful.

Today, I'm thankful for chickens that provide food & enjoyment for my family, a new cat that gives me something to care for, money to pay bills nearing their due dates, shelter & comfort that I overlook daily. I have grown into the pain of my stroke, and I am so grateful that I suffer through what is considered minor "aftershocks". I walk. I talk. I eat. I breath. All of these things I am thankful for. 

The trial of my son's ADHD... I have not come to grips with the silver lining of this yet. I am thankful that it means he is an extremely intelligent being, and I am enormously grateful to the Lord who gave him a wonderful disposition. So many other boys with this illness are aggressive & combative. My son can be argumentative, but he is soft-hearted and empathetic.

God, thank you most of all for my husband, who held me up to you during the most painful parts of our lives together. He has been strength when my own has failed. He guided me back to you when I wandered. He grounds me. Thank you.

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