I've been waiting for a day where the temperature and wind would let me paint outside. Today was that day! Finally, temps in the mid-60's... I busted out the paint roller and a gallon of a great pale blue primer+paint. The best part ~ if you count the whole gallon of paint, today's furniture remodel cost $17. Yep, seventeen buckeroos!
I'm not completely finished with it yet, but since I'm not sure what the final version will be, this is what I have right now.
First step was to sand and wipe off a few years of storage dust and unintentionally-decoupaged paper shreds from the multiple tiers.
Second step involved painting the whole thing in a coat of latex eggshell-finish, robin egg blue all-in-one paint. Then I repeated step two, all the while trying to chase bugs, a cat and a chicken away from my fresh paint job.
Finishing options, you ask? I could leave it as-is, or I could slap a coat of poly on it for a shiny finish. I could paint the top in black chalkboard pain (using a template, not just the whole top). Who knows? As for now, it looks really darling!
And that's today's quick blog! God bless you on your next adventure.
I'm not completely finished with it yet, but since I'm not sure what the final version will be, this is what I have right now.
First step was to sand and wipe off a few years of storage dust and unintentionally-decoupaged paper shreds from the multiple tiers.
Second step involved painting the whole thing in a coat of latex eggshell-finish, robin egg blue all-in-one paint. Then I repeated step two, all the while trying to chase bugs, a cat and a chicken away from my fresh paint job.
Finishing options, you ask? I could leave it as-is, or I could slap a coat of poly on it for a shiny finish. I could paint the top in black chalkboard pain (using a template, not just the whole top). Who knows? As for now, it looks really darling!
And that's today's quick blog! God bless you on your next adventure.